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Mappila in India
pronounced: MAH-pee-lah

The Mappila attribute their Islamic conversion to the work of an Arab missionary. These Muslim communities resulted from the unions of Arab sailors and merchants with local women. Mappila people live in both India's southwestern Kerala state and the Laccadive Islands just to the west of that state. They speak Malayalam, the language of Kerala.

Ministry Obstacles: Muslim communities strongly discourage their people from following Jesus Christ unless believers reach their leaders first. There needs to be persons of peace among Mappila leaders.

Outreach Ideas: Kerala is about 20 percent Christian, and they have strong mission agencies like India Gospel Outreach. Believers who already speak Malayalam could be sent to the Mappila.

Scripture Focus: "And you will say in that day: Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted."
- Isaiah 12:4

Prayer Focus May this people group praise Him and tell others of His mighty deeds. Pray that Mappila believers would be sensitive as they share what Jesus can do for a community. Pray for networks of believing families and fellowships that will throw the doors open for others to follow Jesus. Pray for the Lord to bless families among the Mappila people with his presence and mercy. Pray for Bible-believing fellowships and churches among the Mappila people.


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