Makonde in Mozambique
Traditionally a matrilineal society, Makonde children and inheritances belong to the women. They successfully resisted predation by African, Arab, and European slavers, and did not fall under colonial power until the 1920s. The Makonde like to carve household objects, figures and masks, and their traditional religious practices are an animistic form of ancestor worship. While this practice still continues, today the Makonde of Mozambique mainly subscribe to Islam, at least nominally. They speak the Makonde language, but in Mozambique many also speak Portuguese. Ministry Obstacles: The Makonde may not know real disciples of Jesus Christ who are obedient to him and live holy lives. They might have a tainted view of what followers of Christ are like. Outreach Ideas: Pray for workers to take gospel recordings and other resources to the Makonde tribe. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare their hearts. Scripture Focus: "Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." Prayer Focus Pray that today’s people group would become fertile soil and produces much fruit for God and His kingdom. While a number of Catholic Christians exist among the Makonde, there are few Evangelicals among them. Pray these Christian believers would become mature enough in the faith to represent Christ well and to make a positive impact in their tribe. Pray for an improved literacy rate among this tribe. Pray for Makonde disciples who will make more disciples who will make even more disciples. |
Photo Source:
Ton Rulkens - Flickr.
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